Currently, I only find out about honor/memory gifts that come through our online giving by clicking on the User Defined Fields tab of a donor's journal entries (because tribute's aren't automatically created). If there is an honor/memory request, this is far more important than the credit card information for each journal entry, which is what currently pops up. It would be more useful if this info opened up automatically on the right alongside the basic journal information (gift amount etc) on the left. Even better, of course, would be if the user defined fields of honor/memory of and name of tribute were included as a column in the donor reports on the home page. It's every bit as important as a donor's phone number, and a lot easier to miss. I feel like the more things you have to click through to find information, the more you're at risk of letting something slip.
It would also be great if there was a way for tributes/user defined fields to be automatically flagged for follow-up.