Currently, when applying a payment to a pledge you can't specify the payment as non-deductible. Often times donors use various payment methods to pay pledges, especially via donor advised funds, which are non-deductible payments. It would be great if eTapestry could add non-deductible amounts to pledge payments.
I'd like to suggest this be investigated again. Even when a pledge is setup as a non-deductible contribution (such as a sponsorship in Canada), the payment does not come through that way. This is problematic for having to discern what gifts need tax receipts and the ones that don't.
Also, when a pledge is paid by another entity other than the original donor (such as a donor advised fund or a business), we must enter the donation in the name of the true donor and that entity receives the tax receipt if applicable by law. To balance the pledge, we must enter a pledge payment and a disbursement against the original donor. The pledge payment then comes up as a receiptable donation, even though it is not (this would result in double receipting for the same gift, same amount, but different names). We need to be able to specify the payment as being non-deductible to alleviate the manual tracking of the receipt issue.
It would also make year end tax letters much easier, since currently you need two different fields to denote the non-deductible.
The Original Pledge non-deductible in addition to the regular Non-Deductible Amount.
This causes confusion with donors and is an extra burden on staff.