sync eTap calendar items with Google calendar

to have all items on ONE calendar

  • Guest
  • Feb 6 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 05, 2020 13:48

    I agree - this would be really helpful. Importing takes time that just feels unnecessary and this seriously impacts on whether or not we would want to continue using this system.

  • Carolina Artegiani commented
    August 02, 2019 08:26

    I agree that it would make a huge difference if we were able to sync the etap calendar with the Google Calendar. We use the eTap Cal for funding deadlines, report due dates, email reminders, chasers and more. These have to be also in the calendar we are using for many other meetings and events which are not on eTap. The ideal way to do that would be if when we receive the email notification in our inbox, we were able to automatically add it to the Google Calendar. 

    The process currently is minimum 9 steps, would could be easily condensed in 1:

    Receive email notification

    Open eTapestry

    Open journal entries

    Identify the correct journal entry

    Open it

    Download the file

    Open Google Calendar

    Click 'Import'

    Import file 

    The added issue to this is that there is the potential of making mistakes and missing to download important dealines.

    It would be hugely beneficial if this could be looked into. 
