Create dynamic functionality for DIY donation forms

Our current DIY donation form is rather long and cumbersome, as we have sections for tribute gifts, recurring donations, etc.  While we want to keep all of these fields / options, we are afraid that the form may be turning away some donors before they make a donation by either being too long or too confusing.

We'd love for the DIY donation form to have built-in dynamic functionality so that certain sections of the form could be hidden until the user checks a box.  For example, instead of having all of the tribute fields automatically listed, there would only be one question:  Would you like to make this gift in honor or memory of someone?  If the user clicks yes, only then would all the tribute fields become visible.  For those not making a tribute gift, they simply skip the question and aren't bothered by scrolling down through that section.  

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  • Apr 25 2018
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