Duplicate Report To Include the Same Names or Similar Names

For some smaller nonprofits, we do not always have phone numbers and/or email addresses for our constituents. As a result, the duplicate report is missing pulling potential duplicate accounts. For example, if there is the same name entered twice in the database, but each name has a different address, the duplicate report will NOT pull these accounts. This then leaves duplicates ones database even after the duplicate report has been run. Our preference is that the duplicate report would air on the side of caution with names, even if the address is different. We are aware the duplicate report has a scoring system, however it was be helpful to see the 'low' scores too of potential duplicates such as the same name or similar name. This way, we do not have to worry about duplicates in our database that directly effect mailing lists and cost the organization money.

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  • Sep 19 2018
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