Ability to Schedule Mass Updates for Custom Account Queries

Having the ability to schedule mass updates for custom account queries would keep eTapestry users from having to coordinate mass updates and work after hours to complete them. Allowing mass updates for custom account queries only would prevent query results from changing between mass update scheduling and mass update completion. It would be very convenient if these mass updates could be scheduled up to a week in advance, that way they could be scheduled over weekends, when even less people are likely to be working in eTapestry.

  • Guest
  • Jan 15 2019
  • Attach files
  • Tony Cappelli commented
    December 10, 2019 21:08

    I have the same need.  We are using JustGiving and it imports into eTapestry just fine, but we have additional fields we use to be able to export to our accounting software.  Having only 3 custom fields in JG is too limiting.  We currently have 4 campaigns/events going on concurrently.   I had to create a query to separate out each one's specifics. To then have to go in DAILY to re-enter 12 fields of entry to update our data on each one of the campaigns/events is very time consuming and has a high chance of input error. 


    I'd like to be able to schedule mass updates for transaction updates or contact updates to be done daily so that when we arrive at work, we can start to work rather than spending time entering, checking and correcting manual processes.