Working in eTapestry revolves around Queries (and to a lesser extent, Reports). the drop-down menus provide one-click access to some Categories, Favorites and Recents -- but not enough. The drop-down menu area has a lot of unused space to the right side, but it's limited to two columns of 5 Categories, one column of 5 Favorites and one column of 5 Recently Viewed. (see screen shot attached) Because I can't see all my frequently-used Queries, nor more than 10 Query Categories, I almost always need to click Queries, ten click "See More" or "Manage Queries" and wait for the page to reload with the all categories list. I would love to be able to better utilize the space in the drop-down menu to have more than 10 Categories and/or more than 5 Favorites. This would make it faster to get where I need to go, and would reduce the number of times the eTapestry servers need to load a page of all Categories just so I can get to the one I want.