Greater Phone Number Format Flexibility - Longer Country Codes, maybe extensions

The phone fields currently only allow 10-digit phone numbers. This does not work for my organization, as we have many international phone numbers which, including the country codes, may be up to 11 or 12 digits long.

It seems that the most simple fix for this would be to relax some of the validation criteria to allow more characters. They could even make it responsive like the Address fields, so that when a country like the USA is selected, you fill out "Address Lines" and a 10-digit number, but when you select China, you fill out "Building Number," "Street Name" and up to an 11-digit phone number.

I know others have asked for the ability to store phone number extensions and alphabetic text in the phone fields, which I would also appreciate, but I understand if Blackbaud wants to limit that field to only numbers.

When I contacted support, they recommended creating a user-defined field for non-standard phone numbers, which would have less restrictions on what we could put there. This is not an ideal workaround, since it creates an extraneous field and wouldn't allow phone numbers to be in the same column of a report. 

  • Joshua Nederhood
  • Oct 3 2019
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