Add pledge building capabilities to DIY Forms.

This is 2020. We have Constituents that can turn their lights on and off from their phones, answer their door when they aren't home, and bank from anywhere. They do not appreciate having to give out their card information over the phone to someone they don't really know. They value their security, and our staff then upload their credit card data using a computer with unverifiable security. 

We have lost 7 pledges over the past three months because the Constituent can't build their own pledge and control their information online. I don't blame them. This is an increasingly urgent problem for us. It is frustrating that people have been asking for this feature for more than 6 years without any movement toward progress in allowing donors the freedom to give on their terms. 

We rely on donations to serve our community.  We need to honor our Constituents by listening to them.  

  • Courtney Roper
  • Jan 27 2020
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