One of the main reasons we purchased the eTapestry database was because the sales person advised it was available in French and Spanish. AFTER the point of sale, we were advised that only the system defined fields would translate and that has been a big issue with our international non profit. HOWEVER, the biggest problem is that the "Help" file is only available in English. If eTapestry is sold in other countries where likely languages are French or Spanish, then why not make a "downloadable" version of the Help file in those two languages available to those who request them? For example, if the database is sold in Latin America , then there would already exist a Help file in Spanish. If it is a point of sale that the database is available in other languages, then the help function should be also available in other languages. I am not asking for the ability to have the Help file in French or Spanish "flip" based on the locale settings in the user preferences....just a separate file that could be provided to organizations who have users that do not speak or read English. Thank you