let people opt back in

If a person clicks the unsubscribe link in my emails and then decides, 3 months later, they want to receive emails again, shouldn't the system allow for that?

Sure, they can call or email me to tell me they want back on and I could do it by hand, but wouldn't their first inclination to be to go to my website and join/subscribe?

Problem is, that doesn't actually opt people back in! Please make it so submitting a DIY form for a duplicate account automatically opts in the email address submitted!

  • Sarah Craft
  • Nov 4 2020
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • a s commented
      August 18, 2022 16:19

      Yes I agree with this. We had a constituent fill out the DIY Form to subscribe after opting out 5 years ago. Their journal records the event but the Opt Out Settings do not update. Why??