add a tab in the Journal where all "eCommerce Duplicate Info Submitted" can be stored and omit it as a journal entry

This would keep the journal clean and limited to $$ journal entries. Keep notes and interactions separate. Also, when a constituent wants to know his/her giving, the journal download would show only the giving and be, say, 2 pages instead of 22 pages that show all lines of the online giving "duplicate info".

  • Guest
  • Jan 27 2021
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  • Eleysa Richards commented
    May 16, 2023 16:51

    I agree, the "Duplicate Info Submitted" note is clutter that does not help at all. I get all the info submitted by the donor in the email received when the donation is made. Cluttering the Journal section of the donor profile just makes it more difficult to get the information I need quickly.

  • Theresa Williams commented
    October 26, 2022 19:05

    When using DIY forms, this often creates this note saying, "eCommerce Duplicate...." These JE are just cluttering up the account.

    OR enable user to do a mass delete at the end of a year to delete these Notes.

    Do not want to see all of this background stuff when looking for relative information.