A DIY form for Gift in Kind Donations

I would like to have a form that we can use for donors when they drop off items (food, soap, etc) can fill out and we can send an automatic email receipt or print one if that is appropriate.

  • Guest
  • Dec 31 2015
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    • Guest commented
      November 03, 2017 17:12

      Yesssss! I didn't see this before I submitted the exact same suggestion. I realize it's been almost two years since the initial suggestion so it may be a while, if ever, before this is considered. For what it's worth I would love to see this happen to cut down on the time I spend entering in kind donations that could flow automatically with a DIY form. With a staff of five people total, virtually everything related to fundraising, marketing and development falls on me. This would be a massive benefit in lieu of having to train yet another volunteer to do data entry into eTapestry.

    • Guest commented
      May 19, 2016 21:52

      It would be awesome as well if it converted lbs. of donation to dollars of value as well.  Say donations are valued at $1.66 a lb.  if you put the lbs. in, it would automatically populate a 2nd field with dollar value.  Then the ability to run a report on those fields or for each individual donor.  For IRS reporting purposes, this is a needed report for Food Banks.  Plus, it would save us from buying ANOTHER program to do this for us.