Add a Stock Donation Received Date category for stock donations.

It is confusing that the journal entry date would need to be synonymous with stock received date. Valuation for the donor needs to be based on the date the actual stock was received. However, we don't often see it immediately and the date we are actually entering it is usually a different date. I get that we can just make that a policy that for stock donations the journal entry date is also the stock received date. however, that isn't always going to be intuitive for people. I would add a new line. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2016
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  • Mike Rusche commented
    February 22, 2016 20:27

    We have two dates for the stock date.  The journal entry date is intended for the date the stock was received.  The Sales Date, under the Stock Gift Type is the date of sale.  If you need more dates than those two, then I would suggest a user defined field at this time.