DIY forms in Etap. Automatic emails with a transaction need to show monthly or one-time gifts.

When an automatic email is sent, after an online donation is made, it would be very helpful to include a notation as to whether this is one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift. Currently someone would need to open up etapestry and look into the account to find that information. We send our automatic emails to people without access to our Etapestry system, so they can send out thank you notes accordingly. Without a notation as to what type of gift it is, this requires an extra person look up the account and send another email to the person who received the automatic email to tell them whether it was a one-time gift or monthly donation. Please make an update that includes a notation. Thank you.

  • Guest
  • May 31 2023
  • Completed
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kimberly Hammer commented
    August 28, 2023 17:32

    Based on your feedback, from now on when an online donation is made, the automatic notification email will include information if the donation is a one-time gift under Frequency. Previously, frequency information was only included for recurring gifts.