It takes too long to use the "Load More" button!

I like the old way of setting up the number of Journal records... it takes up too much time to hit the "load more" button, for every 20 records!  This has really slowed down productivity!

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2016
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    • Guest commented
      May 10, 2016 17:24

      Yes, please add back the LAST and FIRST page functionality in the journal.  We should be able to jump to any page of journal entries, not be forced to LOAD MORE and scroll through them sequentially, which has done the most to waste time and grow gray hairs!  :(

    • Guest commented
      March 22, 2016 16:03

      I am also having an issue with being able to see the "Load More" button, in Google Chrome and Firefox.  In IE, it seems to be OK, but it takes "forever" to actually... Load More...!! 

      Please fix this or at least go back to allowing the User Preference, of being able to initially, auto load the maximum of 200 records.

    • Guest commented
      February 25, 2016 19:28

      Also, if your font is too big, you don't even see the "Load More" button"

    • Laura Holmes commented
      February 24, 2016 16:18

      Many of our records have pages of journal entries due to the way they were converted.  Now it takes way to long to find the pledge or note I need.  Pages were much faster and easier.  At least give us the ability to go to the end of the records without hitting "load more" forever.

    • KC Bridges commented
      February 23, 2016 20:02

      Seconded--many of the first journal entries in our constituent's records are the most important because we converted data from another system to eTapestry--so all of the original notes are at the beginning.

      I don't see why the internet is fascinated with a "load more" system instead of pages, but I personally hate "load more" (not just in eTap but in other sites too) because it lessens my ability to have control over what I view. So I really don't like this feature.