Please go back to the old version

1)  Please have less info at the top of the page so we can see more than one or two Journal entries at a time.  In my view "Actual Size" the top part of the Journal page covers about 1/2 of the page and in the Gift/Pledge page the top portion covers bout 1/3 of the page.  If I zoom out, the boxes (Search, Fund, Campaign, Approach, etc.) are unreadable.

2)  Please allow us to view all pages in "Actual Size" without having to scroll side to side.

3)  Please allow us to use the up and down arrows on the computer keyboard in the Fund, Campaign, and Approach boxes after typing in only a portion of the number/code as we were able to do before.

Thank you,


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  • Feb 23 2016
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    • Mike Rusche commented
      February 24, 2016 13:18

      Katie -  Thanks for your comments. Here are my responses.

      1) We will continue to work with the SKY UI team to address the extra space in the layout. Our intention will be that you can see the max amount of data on your screen at any time.

      2) We will be addressing this, so that you can re-size your columns to whatever you want to see on the screen and that will carry over until you change them.  I am working on a plan for when that will be released, but I believe it will be soon.

      3) This is an issue we found and it will be fixed this coming weekend.

      The SKY UI is really a good thing for eTapestry. It will allow us to not only make the product look updated, but it will be easier to use. You already have some of those items with the ability to click and drag columns in the search and journal pages and that is just the start.  Thanks for your feedback and we will continue to make things even better.