We need a way to organize/reorganize images used in communications
When we are adding images to communications, we should be able to organize them by moving them into or between folders and by renaming them WITHOUT it having any effect on their actual use, past present or future, in communications. In other words, let's say I upload Image_A.jpg to the root of the Resource Browser. Somewhere on eTapestry's system should be a table that says: File Name Image_A.jpg is located at with the Friendly Name Image_A.jpg and is found in . When I use it in a communication, it should insert it with the and File Name which will always remain the same. However, I should be able to go into my Resource Browser and rename it to P-51Mustang_A.jpg and move it to the Warbirds folder within my Resource Browser... the table in eTapestry would then say: File Name Image_A.jpg is located at with the Friendly Name P-51Mustang_A.jpg and is found in . Make sense? This way we can rename and reorganize our images so we don't get swamped over time to the point where we can't find anything any more. And we can move/rename without affecting any communications we've already sent using those images.
My organization sends bi-weekly e-blasts, and each e-blast requires from 2-6 images. Often each image will go through several drafts, as well as the e-blast itself. Not knowing that there was no way to reorganize things later, and frankly not knowing quite what this whole process would look like, we were not able to plan ahead and organize everything from the start. Even if we had... if we suddenly changed how we do things, or started using the images for other things (printed newsletters, forms, letters, etc), we'd be in the same boat... needing to reorganize them.
This is a critically important issue for those of us in statewide (or larger) groups, especially in organizations that are largely volunteer-based. There is no really effective way to manage how any user allowed access to mass emails manages images, including naming, placement, and organization. This becomes a real rat's nest of confusion. A policy is great but only if the users follow it, something not always easy to manage in volunteer-led organizations.
We use a third party system at this time to do this functionality. At this time we do not have plans to integrate with a different system.