Please create a cap on event registration through the DIY forms.
Many events or classes have limits. This would be extremely beneficial to all using the DIY forms for event registration as it is hard to monitor sales after hours. We are a small non profit and would be very grateful!
Yes please!! We have multiple events and also a 16-person class which we use DIY forms for, and given the small size of the class, it's really hard to close it right at the right time!!
We also have events each year that have a cap on certain ticket sales. It would be nice to have this feature added so that it does not over sell what is available. Thanks!
Yes please!! We have multiple events and also a 16-person class which we use DIY forms for, and given the small size of the class, it's really hard to close it right at the right time!!
We also have events each year that have a cap on certain ticket sales. It would be nice to have this feature added so that it does not over sell what is available. Thanks!