Provide options to set default values for system-required fields (especially the Country field) within the cart

Currently, there is no way to change the order of Contact Information fields in the Cart, or to include default values for specific fields (especially important for drop-down menus). We are encountering issues with the Country drop-down menu, in particular. 
Here's a complaint from a donor: "I tried using your payment system today and see a problem--a blank pull down menu that loops me around saying ‘must fill in field’ but doesn’t allow me to fill in the field…I can’t ‘select country above.'" Actually, the Country menu is located above the address, city and state technically it's there, but sits "above the fold" and can be hard to find if you're already frustrated.
Why not include an option to set a default value for fields (especially in dropdown menus, like the Country field), which donors could change if needed? 
We understand that eTapestry typically places the Country before the address fields for people filling out forms in a country that might have different options (e.g., state/province and postal code). However, many organizations have donors located in a single country (e.g., the United States).


In my example, the Country dropdown would always come up as United States by default, and a donor from Germany or Mexico or Canada could change the value as needed.  (I understand this is already an option for your DIY Forms, so I imagine the groundwork is already in place.)
  • Scott Nichols
  • Mar 17 2016
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Megan Olver commented
      January 05, 2017 15:37

      I agree that this would be a great addition to the cart module. Our constituents trend older and are still learning how to use the new cart system. Many have emailed and complained about not being able to fill in the form because the state drop down menu did not work. It would be great to default to the United States, so that they don't have to struggle and can simply fill in the basic data of name, address, state. In addition, it would be nice to have the state and country drop-down closer together to avoid the same issue. 

    • Scott Nichols commented
      April 05, 2016 18:58

      Not sure whether this is data entry or a module -- can an Admin please assign this to the right category? Thanks!