Ability to change "from" address when sending document to constitiuent by email

When sending mass email there is option to provide a different "reply to" email address. When creating a document for a constituent and choosing the send by email option, there is no ability to provide the "reply to" email address. It defaults to the email address of the logged in account. I need to have the email come from one of our organization accounts.

  • Fin Admin
  • Mar 29 2016
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Mitch Cohen commented
      06 Feb 23:45

      I have attempted to send a one-off email directly from the persona (simply by clicking on an email address within a persona); but it has NEVER arrived in my inbox after I sent it (I sent it to myself). Note: the "email address of my logged in account" is not in the domain of my organization (I'm a volunteer). We did just finish setting up everything necessary for mass emails (SPF, DMARC, etc) and that is working fine BECAUSE I can set the reply to to be exactly what it needs to be to function. But I cannot get this to work. Has anyone gotten one-off emails to work from a persona?