Custom date ranges

It is convenient to have a date range like "Last Year" or "Past 2 Months", but how often have I wanted something that was something like "Past 3 Years", only to find that it isn't one of the options to pick. I have to use a date range. The only problem is that I have to edit the query if I want to run it next month, or next year. I would like there to be a date range that would have more flexibility, yet not require me to edit the query all the time. I would like to see something like: {Next/Last/Past} {number} {Days/Weeks/Months/Quarters/Years/FiscalQuarters/ Fiscal Years, etc} where x/y/z represents a pick list I could choose. This way my query would ALWAYS select data that was for example, for the past 3 years, without me having to change my query every time I run it!
  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2015
  • No Plans to Change at This Time
  • Attach files
  • Harvey Coates commented
    January 09, 2024 16:03

    It's very dissapointing to not have simple functionality like being able to report on X number of years, or X number of months, with no plan to add the feature.

    It means that we will need to routinely download an excel file, sort by date and manually delete the lines in the excel file that we don't want to see (More likely to use a different CRM that offers this ability in the future).

    More than that, it means we can not run campaigns directly from eTapestry, because it is not retreiving the correct data set. It is a fundamental flaw in eTapestry, and turns what could be a powerful tool, into an under-used and under-adopted software. It's very frustrating not being able to provide simple reports that other users require to complete their jobs. Please reconsider.

  • Robert Burch commented
    September 02, 2020 13:44

    Please can this be considered again? For example, when we want to look at lapsed donors, we need to look back 13 months as the timing of annual donations can vary by a few days. Having to enter explicit dates every time is not efficient and requires people to edit queries. An alternative would be to allow date range entry when a Query or Report is run without editing the Query or Report.

  • Guest commented
    November 18, 2019 18:06

    mike, why won't you be adding this feature? It's VERY powerful when we ask donors- Hey "donor", last year today, you donated x amount. can you do the same? I'd love to get a daily report of that info so those people can be part my target asks for the day.

  • Laura Myers commented
    January 26, 2017 21:47

    100% agree!  This is such a fundamental request for querying functionality and needs to be implemented.

  • Mike Rusche commented
    February 22, 2016 19:47

    We will not be adding this feature at this time.

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