Constituent Summary Tile Based On Custom Query

My organisation would find it very useful to be able to have a custom tile on a Constituent's home page that displays the results of a custom query. I currently record which of our constituents volunteer for us via their Journal having set up a Contact Method called "Volunteering" and some User Defined Fields e.g. "Event Name" and "Hours Volunteered". I have set up queries and reports which show me everyone who volunteered at a given event but what I also need is the flip side to this which would be a query and report showing me how much volunteering an individual constituent has done for us. I have written a query and a report that does show this but it requires that you amend the query (the Account ID number field) every time you want to see the volunteering history of a different constituent. What would be great is if a custom summary tile could exist on each Constituent's home page showing the result of my custom query and report but which would automatically populate the Account ID field in my query (in the background automatically) with the Account ID of the Constituent whose record I am currently viewing. I know there is already the option of adding a Custom Tile to a Constituent's homepage but sadly it does not allow me to select the fields that I require (probably because they are User Defined Fields that exist within the Contact section of each Constituent's Journal rather than on the "Defined Fields" tab of the Constituent's record). Many thanks for your time. Kind regards Alex        

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  • Apr 11 2016
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