Using Wildcards

I never can remember the wildcard rules.  It would be nice if the  rules were avaialbe in a popup just by rolling your mouse cursor over a ? in the Advanced Find screen.

To perform a wildcard search, use an asterisk in the middle of a search word or number.

You can also use an asterisk after three or more letters or numbers to search for results with a particular beginning. For example, you can enter "Ja*on" to return "Jason", "Jameson", or "Jackson."

 Tip: The asterisk replaces any number of characters between the first and last letters in the search.

To search for one missing character, use a question mark (?) instead.

For example, you can enter "Ja?on" to return "Jason", "Jalon", or "Jamon."

  • To search for accounts by account number using the search bar, Quick Find, or the Name field on the Advanced Find screen, use the forward slash character (/)
  • To go directly to the home page of the account, enter a single forward slash before the account number and click Find.
  • To view the account in the search results, enter two forward slashes (//) before the account number and clickFind.
  • Guest
  • Apr 27 2016
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