Give eTap clients the ability to change the font size in certain fields in eCart.

Currently, when editing the online cart in the eStore, you cannot change the font size in any field without a toolbar. Thus fields such as "Name" (under Basic Information) and "Category Header" (under Edit Cart Preferences>online options) are considered static, and in order to change the font size you have to contact eTapestry and their design team to go into your cart account and change the static font size. This is problematic because it takes away any flexibility in making the titles and headlines in the online cart bigger and more eye-catching; furthermore, when you make the font size of the body of the cart bigger, it will clash with the smaller font size of titles and headers, creating an overall inconsistent and amateurish design. With the ability to change the font size without having to go through the rigorous and frankly inefficient process of contacting eTapestry, clients would be able to present an overall improved and more professional cart design to their donors, which is of the utmost importance when inducing people to buy tickets to events, or to simply give donations.

  • Julia Lucas
  • May 18 2016
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