Country list should be sorted by name not two-letter code

Our database covers addresses from 50+ countries. The drop down menu sorts these countries by their two-letter worldwide code. For example, Switzerland (code CH) is found in the Cs and South Africa (code ZA) is sound at the very bottom of the list. Please change this to sort by NAME rather than CODE so that it is more user friendly.

  • Guest
  • Aug 25 2016
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  • Mike Rusche commented
    August 26, 2016 17:55

    Thanks Russ

    Mike Rusche
    Product Manager – eTapestry

    Blackbaud, Inc.
    Indianapolis Office
    501 N. Pennsylvania Parkway, Ste 400, Indianapolis, IN 46280
    T: 888-739-3827 x7526|M: 317-414-1164
    E: |

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  • Deleted User commented
    August 26, 2016 17:53

    Just want to point out that if the pull down list is done by NAME, each language version will need its own sorted pull down list. Since pull down lists are not automatically sorted.
