We often pull mailing lists based in part on the last time a donor made a gift. Unfortunately, the "Last Received Date" and "Last Received Amount" fields do not currently include soft credit transactions.
This means that we may inadvertently be mailing donation requests to some donors sooner than we had planned if their last donation was made via a third-party (such as a donor advised fund, an online giving day organized by a community foundation, etc.), as the date of this soft credit donation would not be reflected in the "Last Received Date" field.
We may also inadvertently assign a lapsed rating to some donors who have given most recently via soft credit, as their Last Received Date would not reflect the soft credit donation.
We'd love to see soft credit journal entries included in queries and reports through either including them in the "Last Received Date" and "Last Received Amount" fields or creating new report fields for soft credit journal entries at the *account* level in concert with many of the other account summary fields we already use.