Text-to-Give option

It would be great if there was an option for donors to text to give a donation, especially for events etc. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2018
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    • Guest commented
      January 20, 2021 22:31

      What vendors are you using since it is not offered through eTapestry?

    • Heather commented
      September 10, 2020 19:21

      I concur, a text to give within eTapestry would be great! Our donors are busy people with busy lives. They want something fast and minimal to fill out. We are using another vendor for this and are looking to stream line it with eTapestry .

    • Guest commented
      May 08, 2019 20:56

      We are looking for one and it would have been so much nicer to have on that either was with BBMS or interfaced.  It was a little disappointing to not have one.