Language on the Donation Forms could be changed

We'd like to be able to edit the language for "Donation Frequency" or "Donation Amount" so that we could label it with more donor-friendly wording.  For example, instead of "Donation Frequency," we would say "Make this a recurring gift?"  Then the options in the drop down would be "No, Yes, monthly, or Yes, annually" etc.  Donors are sometimes confused by One-Time or Annually or Monthly.  "Donation Amount" could be labeled as "How much would you like to give?" etc.

  • Guest
  • Sep 15 2015
  • No Plans to Change at This Time
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    • Mike Rusche commented
      March 10, 2016 19:34

      We have no plans to make this change at this time.

    • Guest commented
      January 27, 2016 18:47

      This absolutely needs to be a field that the user can edit.  In my case, the registration form does not work for my purposes because I need to create a single account for each "ticket" registration.  The donation form works well as a solution except for the fact that it says "Donation Amount."  Simply allowing the user to change the field name, would solve this.

    • Guest commented
      September 22, 2015 21:45

      We would like o be able to edit the labels for the "Donation Frequency" and "Donation Amount" as well.