I would like to be able to select the Sticky Note field when I set up a new persona instead of saving the page and have to go back and choose the sticky note type.
Why is it useful, who would benefit from it, how should it work?
We've added the ability to set the Sticky Note Type when creating a new account. Please check out our eTapestry 7.77.0 New Features Guide for more information.
Gerry, I'm interested to know what types of sticky notes you use when setting up a new persona? I often don't know enough about the constituent to use a sticky note when I first set them up. Thanks!
We've added the ability to set the Sticky Note Type when creating a new account. Please check out our eTapestry 7.77.0 New Features Guide for more information.
Gerry, I'm interested to know what types of sticky notes you use when setting up a new persona? I often don't know enough about the constituent to use a sticky note when I first set them up. Thanks!
I agree that workflow could be improved. We are looking at improving the entire account data entry process so we will look at it at that time.