allowed you more customization options on the DIY forms
I like that we can now create our own online forms but please keep moving forward to make them more customizable. Specifically it would be great to be able to change the layout of the fields so they could be in two columns instead of just one long column. It would also be great if we could customize the forms ourselves instead of only having template options or needing support to customize them for you
Ontop of this the donation frequency is limited, it should show all of the options available in the schedule on the DIY form eg. I cant get fortnightly as an option on my DIY form but you can do it when setting up a gift
You didn't address any plans for making segmented donations easier on DIY
forms. Any updates on this?
Gina Colovich
I can appreciate your thoughts on this. In order to continue to offer our DIY forms in a mobile responsive way, there is a specific layout that they must be in. So, adding extra columns is not an option. As far as renaming fields, we have done that for all the ones we can at this time, but will continue to see if there are others we can allow that to.
I REALLY need this! I get SOOOOO many emails from donors who have problems with the form and they're ALL because the form is so long and they don't know to scroll back up to the top of the form to see the confirmation message. Page breaks and columns please!
Even just being able to change the name of the standard fields would be an improvement (e.g. from "Postal Code" to "ZIP"). Also, you can't make some of the address lines required without making them all required. What if I just want "City" and "State" to be required but not the "Address Lines"? These fixes don't seem like too much to ask, especially when tons of other companies offer more flexible DIY forms. I used to work in the Finalsite CMS, and its forms were super easy and way more customizable.
It would SUPER if you could assign a URL to the images you import. For example, if I use a small logo as part of a current template you could click on the logo and go to the home page of our full website. We use a CMS that doesn't work as well with the embed (iFrame) option so I am very limited in how to connect the page to our site. When someone finishes or if someone chooses not to donate after clicking they are just left in no where.
I agree. I also hope you can begin to create ticket segments rather than gifts. To have to do multiple queries to weed those out for our annual campaign is so vexing.
We agree with the comment posted below. Please figure out how we can use segmented transactions on DIY forms. Right now we are limited to making the donor list the segments they want their donation split to in the comments field.
We would love a donation form where someone could select X number of sponsorships at X amount of dollars and then have a form that has subtotals for different donation options so the donor can easily select different donation options on the same form rather than having different forms to complete.