DIY form suggestions

It would be helpful to have the following capabilities in the DIY Form:

  • Conditional field functionality
  • The ability to move and edit the Payment Information section of the DIY online giving form
  • The ability to customize the information that appears in the alert email employees receive when a gift is given or a contact form is submitted.
  • Guest
  • Nov 20 2015
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    • Wilma Kohler commented
      April 04, 2024 14:58

      It would be very beneficial to have "conditional" fields and the data would be up to date in e-tapestry.

    • Jennie Lovell commented
      November 02, 2023 15:13

      I'm especially interested that the information that a constituent enters in a DIY form can be shown in all notifications: to the constituent, to the organization, and in the journal entry record. Currently, the Volunteer form at least doesn't do this.

    • Andrew Macfarlane commented
      July 19, 2022 18:42

      I think this would be a great addition to form functionality, would certainly give a lot more scope for form designers

    • Guest commented
      May 29, 2019 19:14

      I'm creating a Tribute form and would like to add a Y/N field: Is there someone you would like us to notify about your Tribute Gift? If the donor chooses N, no other field appears and the gift form is completed. If the donor chooses Y, Notification Name & Address fields are provided.

    • Susan Swensen commented
      April 05, 2019 14:11

      A very necessary feature:

      Ask or display information conditionally, based on a response.
      For example: If they check their affiliation is Faculty & Staff, it displays one question vs. if they check any other affiliation, it displays another question?

    • Jessica Buckley commented
      May 15, 2018 05:20

      Ontop of this the donation frequency is limited, it should show all of the options available in the schedule on the DIY form eg. I cant get fortnightly as an option on my DIY form but you can do it when setting up a gift

    • +1