ROLL BACK replace function for system defined field's data source

Our business usual is based on the system that the data source of account is not replaced when replacing information for duplicate accounts while importing. For duplicate accounts, replace did not change existing Data Source(Account)'s values, so we could stack up the data sources for the account while replacing other values in the UDFs.

I see that it is replacing not only the UDFs but also System defined Data Source(Account) Field and we've already lost several hundred accounts' existing data source which is critical for us.

Most importantly, we did not see any notice or update on this issue and has already affected our daily work and data integrity as well.

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  • Dec 27 2023
  • Attach files
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    Kimberly Hammer commented
    January 08, 2024 15:22

    We haven't made any development changes to the import process, so I'm not sure why you saw different behavior previously.

    The Replace option has alway been designed to move (replace) all data from your import source file into the fields that you mapped on the existing account, regardless of whether or not those fields already contain data. This information can be found in help under the Step Four - Possible Duplicates Report help topic.

    The Merge option merges data from your import source file into any fields that do not already contain data. Single-select fields that already contain data on an existing account would not be updated, but multi-select fields will get the new values added.

    If you have custom values want to record then our recommendation is to use a different User Defined Field to track the information rather than our system defined Data Source field. More information is available in our add a user-defined field help topic.

    The Data Source field is designed to track the source of data that is not entered into eTapestry manually. This includes data that comes in via eCommerce pages, the API, and via imports. Values are added to this field automatically when accounts or transactions are created/modified through one of the methods listed above. You do not need to edit or update this field as a user.

  • Simon Byun commented
    January 08, 2024 06:46

    Thanks for the response Kimberly,

    Yes, we have been mapping Data Source field within our import template, but it has never replaced the value of Data source before certain date in mid-December. We've tested it several times with different conditions and circumstances, and found that it did not interfered the Data source field while replacing other values in defined fields.

    Are you saying that the Replace is supposed to replace every values that are mapped? If so, I want to know why there was sudden change in our case. We did not change any settings of our organization or import template as it is our routinary daily work.

    For now, we are working around to import Data Source by importing in 2 steps for the same accounts, one for other defined field's values, and the other for data source.

    I understand that you recommend not to map the data source field, then is there other options we can try to stay as we were operating?

  • Admin
    Kimberly Hammer commented
    January 05, 2024 19:15

    Question - Are you mapping to the Data Source field within your import templates? If so, then doing a Replace will wipe out the values that were previously there.

    We recommend not including the Data Source field in your import template to ensure the values are only appended and not replaced.