allowed imports to all defined fields on all roles (currently only allows imports on constituent)

At least twice a year we need to record massive updates and/or create new accounts in our tributes. The import module would work wonderfully, if it was possible to use with the tribute role. Unfortunately, the import module only works with the constituent role at this time. To import all the information from an excel worksheet would save loads of time versus updating or creating each record one at a time.
  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2015
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    • Simon Byun commented
      April 27, 2023 02:05

      Do you have plans to allow import on Tribute Role at this moment then or any time in the future, Mike?

    • Mike Rusche commented
      February 22, 2016 19:52

      We have no plans to expand our import to include tributes at this time.

    • +43