Gifts Received should NOT double count tributes

Currently, if you query on gifts received, it will count any gift received AND it will count an additional amount if that gift is linked to a tribute. We just spent a day figuring out where and why an extra gift was appearing in our queries/reports, only to find out it was double counting that gift. This should be resolved within etapestry!

  • Guest
  • May 24 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 21, 2019 17:55

    Agreed and I would ask that the Tribute account be credited with a Soft Credit rather than a Raised or Received amount. Also agree with other poster that the workaround is to make sure to select All Constituents instead of All Accounts for queries and reports. Not ideal but good enough.

  • Guest commented
    May 25, 2017 18:16

    I ran across this as well.  However, if you use Base - All Constituents as your starting query (maybe instead of Base - All Accounts as I had mistakenly chosen), then it will exclude tribute accounts and thus not double count the tribute side of those donations.  Tricky, I know!