When using Internet Explorer 11 and saving a journal entry, you shouldn't get code as the response.

After entering and then saving a journal entry in eTapestry, instead of the page that lists the accounts displaying, the source code displays on the screen. You can't do anything from here other than logout.  If you don't refresh your browser several times or clear cache, when you log back in, you can get the same page display, not always but sometimes.  My idea is to maybe look into this and see if there is something that can be easily fixed.  I know your preferred browser is Chrome, but it's not mine.  I have other issues in Chrome with printing a "selection" on a report.  So I have to bounce between the 2 browsers to get what I need.  That just doesn't seem right to me.  I wanted to report this as a bug but was advised to report it as a new idea. I've attached a text file to show what the screen looks like. 

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2018
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