Data entry to trigger flags/events

I've been impressed with some of the UDFs and the ability to place in multiple areas; however I've been unimpressed with the lack of corresponding flags or trigger events available once data has been entered. 

For instance, If I would require Moves Management steps in contacts of my fundraisers, the successful completion of that step does not auto populate the info or provide a flag on any other area of the record (Constituent header, Home, or even Constituent UDFs).  


This presents an issue of either requiring a duplicate set of UDFs on the Constituent Defined Field sets and then manually reentering the information (and hoping other users are reviewing that tab in detail ),  or going through a constituents full journal to see what was the last Moves Management step.  A similar argument can be made if someone makes a planned or major gift.  


It would be great that if certain UDFs on contacts and transactions had a related auto "flag" available on the Constituent record whether in the Header or on the Home section so to provide a better holistic view of all important data instead of a search through various parts of the record (transactions, contacts, etc).

  • Guest
  • Nov 10 2015
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