Journal column sizing needs to auto save Merged

Currently the size of the columns in journal is not saved.  Once you navigate away or refresh the journal the columns return to their standard widths.   So this is a step in the right direction, but sounds like we need to get the ability to save the widths to make things easier for you.

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2016
  • Completed
  • Guest commented
    February 22, 2016 18:25

    Same as what others have said. Readjusting the column widths on the journal page every time is a huge time waste and very frustrating. Once you set the column widths, they should save until the next time you adjust them.

  • Guest commented
    February 22, 2016 16:19

    This also needs to be done on account.  It doesn't always keep it the way I size it on going to a new account search.

  • Jane Gresens commented
    February 22, 2016 16:09

    I don't have time to keep adjusting column width in order to see the whole page at a glance for each file I work with.  I never felt it was crammed and hard to read before.  If anything, it's much harder to reach and work with now!

  • Mike Rusche commented
    February 22, 2016 16:03

    In the past, the more columns you choose were just crammed onto the screen.  Now, we allow you to scroll left and right, so those columns can be larger and easier to read.   However, it appears that you would like to see things all on one screen, even if they feel tight and may be harder to read.  I will discuss the journal column sizing with the engineers and see what we can do.  Thanks!

  • Jennifer Frederick commented
    February 22, 2016 15:54

    Please fix this as soon as possible. I need to be able to fix my column widths to be able to see certain columns I've chosen at a quick glance rather than having to scroll left and right. 

  • Sonya Huebner commented
    February 22, 2016 15:13

    The inability to resize the journal column width is a HUGE time waster as I am constantly scrolling left and right. Please FIX this soon!