This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit ETAP-I-1158 Move Letters from Mass Interactions back to Journal.
We have found that the new split in the journal where mass interactions have their own tab - drastically takes away from the visual continuity of being able to see what you have sent the donor. Now you have to flip back and forth between tabs and compare dates. Instead, could the mass interactions not be given a different look and whatever else is needed to be able to pull them separately for reports (if that is why the journal contacts have been split like this) but keep all the contacts in one continuous journal as it was?
It's certainly more difficult to see all the interactions easily since the update but if there was an option when adding a contact/note to decide if you wanted it to be placed in the mass interaction section or general journal, this would go a long way to solving our problem
I agree that the split with journal entries and mass interactions have made it more difficult to see all interaction with a specific donor in one place. I do not like this update.