Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CRM-I-2122 Make the gift type table editable..

Make Gift Types Editable Merged

With the current gift type list, the only way to log text-to-give donations, payroll donations, etc is the "cash" option and adding a note. This does not export into reports well at all! We should be able to add other options that function like "cash", but that we could rename. It seems like with how robust the software is, there should be a more sophisticated way to add gifts given outside of the pre-determined and outdated list of options.

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2021
  • No Plans to Change at This Time
  • Amy Britt commented
    October 04, 2022 21:05

    I am looking for a way to enter offline gifts that come through Square at our benefit. It would be great to be able to add a Square option to Venmo and Paypal in Gift Type: Payment Services.