allowed manual journal "purchase" entries for those people who pay for an event by check. Not just cool, but URGENT & ESSENTIAL.

We use our shopping cart to register folks for upcoming events. Many people send checks which should be manually entered as PURCHASES in the Journal. Currently, PURCHASE isn’t a journal transaction choice, and we don’t want to use GIFT because these aren’t gifts. If PURCHASE is used when registration is completed and paid online, it would seem that PURCHASE is already set up as a journal transaction. Therefore, why couldn’t PURCHASE be made available as a manual journal entry. Not only is it important to classify event payments as a purchase and not a gift, but it also throws the attendance count report off because a gift transaction doesn’t have a quantity field. Please seriously consider adding PURCHASE to manual journal transactions as soon as possible. We had a major event in June and haven't entered into eTap the tickets purchased by checks as yet..
  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2015
  • No Plans to Change at This Time
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    • Guest commented
      May 30, 2019 15:37

      Please reconsider!!  The workaround of adding another User Defined Field is cumbersome and difficult to explain to casual users

    • Mike Ray-Jones commented
      April 05, 2018 15:08

      Yet another time-wasting eTap online support session just completed on this exact-same subject. This single eTap failing is going to completely scupper our strategy to avoid double-handling ticket sales data. PLEASE REVISIT THIS ISSUE.

    • Guest commented
      December 08, 2017 20:54

      No plans to change??? WHY????? This seems like such an incredibly obvious flaw in the current system. Can someone from eTapestry please explain why this isn't being considered?

    • Guest commented
      June 28, 2016 17:35

      I agree with all others. This is crucial for donors and educational programs, where an organization is paying for different registrants. Comes in a check and then it can be applied by administrator correctly.

    • Guest commented
      June 22, 2016 20:54

      I sincerely hope that eTap will change its mind on this and work on allowing manual PURCHASE entries, as it would save a whole lot of effort and time... Would ne nice to know how many support chats get used up talking about this subject. It would save eTap a lot of time in support chats as well.

    • Guest commented
      June 07, 2016 19:29

      I have had this problem for years, and it's so frustrating! eTap did, however, show me a work around. You can actually purchase a dummy ticket with a dummy credit card number using the cart, then in the PURCHASE journal entry, i put a note that it was paid by check, and I attached a picture of the check. To do this, act like you are the purchaser in the cart, then pay with the credit card with the following info: VISA, 9999 8888 7777 6666. Security code 123, any future exp date. This is how I have handled purchases that have been made with checks. So frustrating, though!

    • Guest commented
      February 22, 2016 19:14

      "Already works that way" is false. How does it already work that way? You can't manually add "purchase" to a journal - it's not an option. 

    • Guest commented
      January 28, 2016 19:47

      Keeping event data in two places (eStore and UDFs if you need to enter them as a gift later) opens a giant can of worms that terrifies me! Please fix - thank you!

    • Evelyn Payne commented
      January 20, 2016 21:45

      Not only with a check purchase that is added manually, but when someone orders a ticket through a DIY form, it shows up in their journal as a GIFT, when it is actually a PURCHASE, and it can't be changed! Very annoying, please fix!!

    • Guest commented
      January 06, 2016 22:30

      I voted yes and would love to see this new feature immediately.

    • Guest commented
      September 28, 2015 17:31

      YES!  Please PLEASE consider adding this feature REALLY SOON. It drives me absolutely nuts that the ONLY way we can register someone for a class is to do it online. We end up manually running registrations through our website even if they pay by check, which is time-consuming and unnecessary. 

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