My financial manager is concerned that right now online donors are getting two different acknowledgement letters -- one letter is the confirmation email that is generation automatically after a donation is made online, the other letter is one we generate in-house and send snail mail to the donor. We make a copy of the in-house generated letter and give it to our financial manager for her records. However, we would like to be able to cut out the in-house generated letter and just use the automatic confirmation email as acknowledgement to be more efficient. We can't do this, though, because our financial manager needs evidence of acknowledgement.
This feature would be a huge help for both development and finance staff. This feature is available for carts and it would be of great value for DIY forms as well.
Seconded--not only because of financial substantiation (which is important) but also for the peace of mind that the right acknowledgments are going out. I mean, we can check it from the Communications tab, but it is another thing entirely to actually receive the confirmation email. We would certainly appreciate it!