New eTap Coloring

The new coloring for eTapestry can be rather hard to read & strains the eyes a bit. The colors need to be more contrasting to be able to see them better. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2016
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    • Guest commented
      March 28, 2016 17:12

      Very hard to read.  Background color and font is too small.  Not user friendly as it is a strain on the eyes.

    • Guest commented
      March 16, 2016 18:30

      I also use Chrome. I'm not color blind, but I am old! Hard to read.

    • Guest commented
      March 10, 2016 21:49

      Absolutely  I use Chrome and it's almost impossible to read

    • Guest commented
      February 23, 2016 20:51

      Yes, especially the light blue text on the dark blue background.

    • Guest commented
      February 22, 2016 18:03

      we use Google Chrome for everything so it is much easier to keep all of our projects/open pages in one browser instead of multiple, but thanks for the tip. 

    • Christen Ballard commented
      February 22, 2016 15:56

      I noticed this issue this morning as well, but I was using FireFox as my browser.  I closed it and opened eTap in Internet Explorer instead and "viola"--MUCH, MUCH BETTER!!!!!  You might try this..........just a suggestion.  :)