Allowed greater flexibility in creating thank you letter templates

It's great that you can create templates and send thank you letters out of eTapestry, but it's very difficult to move around blocks to exactly where you want them. If you want to put in a picture or a giving level box, it's impossible to place them where you want them. Our organization still exports the necessary data and uses Microsoft Word so that the thank you letters look as professional as we want them to be. eTapestry would be a lot better for correspondence if there was greater flexibility in creating the letter templates.
  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    25 Sep, 2019 05:48pm

    Apparently even in 2019 this hasn't been addressed.  The templates are so rigid and basic that I have to do double the work and do separate mail merges.  

  • Guest commented
    10 Apr, 2018 10:58pm

    I agree. I do not use the feature at all, although I was excited about it, it just does not do simple stuff. I have to mail merge in Word. Frustrating.

  • Mike Rusche commented
    22 Feb, 2016 06:55pm

    At this time, we use a third party editor for our edit/creation of thank you letters.  We are investigating switching this third party editor out in the future for one that will give us more flexibility.  I have no time frame on this at the current time.

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