Make it possible for someone donating online to create a split gift. Or make it possible to go in and edit the gift after they've given online to create a split gift

This would help in the tracking of what fund the money goes to. For example, we have an online donor who gives $1,000 a month - $500 is to go to one fund and $500 is to go to another. There is no way to show this detail other than the notes section. it's so easy to set up a split gift when a donation comes in by check and I am entering the information into eTap. Can you make it possible to go in and edit an online donation to show that it's a split gift if its' not possible to have the donor show it when making their donation online? this would be a huge help!

  • Guest
  • Jul 13 2016
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  • Elizabeth Pace commented
    March 22, 2018 13:53

    This would be so nice.  Currently I have donors that will log-in twice to donate when they want to split there gift.  I'm afraid we are probably loosing other donors that find it too cumbersome and just opt to make the 1 gift rather than a larger gift that will be split.