Format phone field on DIY Forms

When a person completes an online Membership Signup DIY form and types in a phone number like 1234567890 that number is not reformatted to (123) 456-7890 like it is when entering the same number into the persona.  Therefore all of the reports contain phone numbers that look like this - 1234567890 - from the online form and like this - (123) 456-7890 from numbers entered when adding an account.  It would save a lot of time if the phone numbers entered into a DIY form are reformatted automatically

  • Guest
  • May 17 2017
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      Kimberly Hammer commented
      June 12, 2023 18:04

      We recently released this functionality, check out our 7.78.0 New Features Guide for more information.

    • Katie Benston commented
      November 08, 2019 21:30

      I noticed this too. I open the record and hit tab in the phone field and it formats it then. Still an extra step. 

    • Richard Barajas commented
      May 15, 2019 15:42

      Len, did you every get a reply to you question on phone format or figure out how to do it yourself?