would allow us to customize the confirmation emails we receive from DIY forms to include UDFs
While the confirmation email that our organization receives when someone fills out one of our DIY forms is helpful, it does not include any of our user defined fields. We have to run a report to see these. IT would be helpful if we could customize these emails to include UDFs.
Yes please! Will be an excellent option!
Tech Services &
Development Assistant
Kennett Library
Kennett Square, PA
“ Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Update: We have done some work to make this happen and it is ready to be worked on. I am looking to see when we can get the work completed and scheduled for release.
Yes, please do this - much more helpful! Insane this isn't already possible!
This is a major issue for us since the email goes to the program director and she needs the UDF information to conrtact the constitutent.
It will be excellent!
Yes please!
Yes! We really need this!!
I spent too much time trying to figure out how to do this on my own. Would be a great feature!
This would be incredibly helpful!
I am so for this!!!