allow updating expiration dates on credit cards without entering the card number over again

Donors with recurring credit card gifts need to update their expiration dates. Currently, there is no way in etapestry to just update a credit card expiration date on an existing autoprocess gift. You have to enter the donor's card information all over again. This is cumbersome and unnecessary. When you have hundreds of people using this feature, you're constantly updating card information, much of which just needs new expiration dates.
  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2015
  • No Plans to Change at This Time
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    16 Oct, 2023 04:24pm

    If the purpose of housing the donor credit card in Etap displaying only the last four numbers is for security, this would also be a great way for the donor to update/manage their payment data without another person seeing it. Saves time on user end, increases security on donor end. Win win. If system generated a onetime unique payment link where the donor could update their own information to update both the credit card and/or the exp date that would be ideal.

  • Amanda Shauger commented
    30 May, 2018 01:49am

    If you made this upgrade, then we wouldn't have to use another payment gateway that automatically does this.

  • Guest commented
    20 Nov, 2017 12:02am

    YES PLEASE, it would be very donor friendly. Now they need to sign up again.

  • Cyndy Warnier commented
    24 May, 2016 10:06pm

    I agree with Mike Rusche. Please remove the required component by this so we do not have to enter a bogus number.

  • Guest commented
    10 Mar, 2016 09:54pm

    Can the donor do it?  I get emails saying my new expiration is such and such.....

  • Mike Rusche commented
    22 Feb, 2016 06:59pm

    For security reasons we do not store the entire credit card.  While inconvenient, it is much safer for the donor to be contacted by the organization and get the card number.  This way the donor and the organization both agree to the future transactions.

  • Sarah Nutbrown commented
    2 Dec, 2015 03:35am

    This would be good because you could also ask people for their new expiry date by email, which you wouldn't want to do with a whole card number.

  • +179