Captcha Settings - Allow Options

Captcha settings are getting harder and harder for most people to read - even folks with good eyesight often have problems reading the garbled words. And then there are our donors, who tend towards 50+ age range, and who often get frustrated by the difficulty of the captchas. 

Because of new and stronger bots trolling fields online, the captcha settings have gotten harder and harder to decipher. This makes for a negative experience at the end of a donation form. There is plenty of research in donor management about captcha and how this is effecting online giving and the donor experience.

One alternative is to have the DIY eCommerce form allow options for various captchas. By using a math element (1+3=) instead of words, many businesses/NGO's are finding much better response rates (easier to see, understand, and still keeps the bots at bay).

Right now, eTapestry only has hard captcha garbled words. Why not integrate an option to use a math-based captcha instead? Seems like an easy-enough edit to the form.


  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2015
  • No Plans to Change at This Time
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    • Jennifer Chaves commented
      February 24, 2017 23:05

      I realize this post is closed; however, it's been nearly a year since eTapestry decided to close this thread and declare no need to update Captcha because they updated it the prior year. Seriously?! Well, that was 2015. It's now 2017. MAKE THE CHANGE! The current system is not user-friendly to our older donors and is a pain. I understand the need for the security and fully support the addition of a captcha system; however, there are better methods currently out there. In addition to the math-based captcha mentioned, there's also an image-based method. We just renewed with eTap at an 8% increase. We're told this increase, "funds the development of the software." Well then, develop the software to address your users needs!

    • Pam Shilling commented
      February 23, 2017 22:01

      We've had so many complaints about this that we're actually considering finding a different database system. I dread the idea of migrating to a new system over something small like this. But after having a major donor call your exec to complain about trying to make a donation and knowing you've had a dozen other complaints about it - this is my reality. We might move away from eTap over the captcha system that was chosen.  So frustrating.

    • Guest commented
      January 11, 2017 22:25

      I know this has been closed, but we're really struggling with this. We had several donors call us in our gift rush in December complaining that they couldn't get the Captcha right. It's a real problem. 

    • Mike Rusche commented
      March 10, 2016 19:08

      We updated our Captcha in the last year.  We have no more plans to update at this time.